# Activation

# Activation via API

You can obtain the PRO version by executing the corresponding API methods:

You will receive notifications:

# Online activation

With access to the Internet and the registration server reg.trueconf.com (opens new window), it is possible to perform online activation of VideoSDK/Room using the API method activateLicense. Here is an example request:

    "method" : "activateLicense",
    "key" : "RM7SK-BE11-6667-FAVD"

The value of the key parameter in this case contains the key obtained from customer support, for example, RM7SK-BE11-6667-FAVD. As a result of the successful execution of the command, we will receive the following response:

    "method" : "activateLicense",
    "status" : "processing",
    "result" : true

The value "status" : "processing" means that the key has a valid format, the connection to the registration server has been established, and the request has been successfully sent for processing. If the key is valid, VideoSDK/Room receives a PRO license, which is retained on subsequent launches, i.e., there is no need to send an activation request each time. Meanwhile, a licenseActivation notification is received.

# Offline activation

Activation when working in a closed network without Internet access is carried out in several stages.

  1. First, call the appropriate API method to generate the file that will be used to create the offline activation file - activateLicense. Example request:
    "method" : "activateLicense",
    "key" : "RM7SK-BE11-6667-FAVD"

The value of the key parameter in this case contains the key obtained from customer support, for example, RM7SK-BE11-6667-FAVD. As a result of the successful execution of the command, we will receive the following response:

    "method": "activateLicense",
    "status": "offline",
    "fileId": 164458388,
    "result": true

The value of the fileId parameter in this case contains the identifier of the file on the VideoSDK/Room HTTP server, which needs to be sent to the support service. To retrieve this file, you can use a GET request.

  1. Send the file obtained from item 1 to the support service. Then receive from them the file for offline activation, which was generated based on the file sent by you.

  2. Upload the file obtained from item 2 to the VideoSDK/Room HTTP server using the POST method, and as a result of a successful request, receive the fileId parameter value, which identifies this file on the server.

  3. Invoke the corresponding API method for offline activation - productRegistrationOffline. Here is an example request:

    "method" : "productRegistrationOffline",
    "fileId" : 164458666

The value of the fileId parameter in this case is the one we received in step 3. As a result of the successful execution of the command, VideoSDK/Room will be upgraded to the PRO version. For subsequent launches, nothing else needs to be specified; the license will be retained.

# Activation via Command Line

For all types of activations (online and offline), you must first obtain a key from support service.

# Online activation

With access to the network and registration server, it is possible to perform online activation of VideoSDK/Room using the appropriate command line keys at startup: --filepath and --license-key. Example:

TrueConfRoom --license-key --filepath C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\license.key

In this instance, license.key contains the key obtained from the support service, for example, RM7SK-BE11-6667-FAVD. After launching VideoSDK/Room, it will immediately be in the PRO version, and for subsequent launches, there is no need to specify anything else as the license will be retained.

# Offline activation

If network access is unavailable or there is no connection to the registration server, it is possible to perform offline activation. This is done using the appropriate command line keys: --filepath, --hardware-key, and --license-key. The process occurs in 3 stages.

  1. Obtaining a license key from the support service, as mentioned above (example key - RM7SK-BE11-6667-FAVD)
  2. Starting VideoSDK/Room using the appropriate command line switches: --filepath, --hardware-key, and --license-key. Example:
TrueConfRoom --hardware-key --license-key --filepath C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\license.key

In this case, license.key contains the key obtained in step 1. After launching VideoSDK/Room, it will generate a regoffline.rrg file, which will be located in the same directory as the license.key specified from step 1. This file should be sent to the support service, and in return, you will receive the corresponding file for offline generation, which is created based on the file sent.

  1. Using the file obtained from item 2, as well as the command line keys during launch --filepath and --license-key, perform an offline activation. Example:
TrueConfRoom --license-key --filepath C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\regoffline2.rrg

The regoffline2.rrg file in this case contains the key obtained from support services (see item 2). After starting VideoSDK/Room, it will immediately be in the PRO version, and for subsequent launches, there is no need to specify anything further, as the license will be preserved.