# The component for the TrueConf protocol

It is provided as an installer for Windows and all supported Linux distros. The component settings are specified in the configuration file tc_bc.cfg which is created automatically when the component is installed. An example of the configuration file is presented after the list of parameters.

After the component is installed, the corresponding service will be automatically added on the OS:

  • On Windows, it will be named TrueConf Border Controller and will have the id tc_bc, the path to the executable file will be C:\Program Files\TrueConf\Border Controller\tc_bc.exe.

  • On Linux, it will be identified as trueconf-bc, the path to the executable file will be /opt/trueconf/border-controller/bin/tc_bc.

# List of parameters

During component installation the configuration file, where parameters can be specified, will be created:

  • on Windows: C:\Program Files\TrueConf\Border Controller\etc\tc_bc.cfg

  • on Linux: /opt/trueconf/border-controller/etc/tc_bc.cfg

The component supports the following parameters (in brackets, you can find the aliases for some of these parameters).

# General parameters

  • --Debug <level> — the logging level from 0 (disabled) to 4

  • --LogDirectory <path> — the path for saving log files related to the extension

  • --LogToConsole — log messages are displayed in the console instead of being written to log files

  • --Daemonize <path to the PID lock-file> (only for Linux ) — start as a daemon with the path for saving the PID file

  • --Service (only for Windows) — start as a service

  • --R — automatic service restart in case of an error

# Routing parameters

  • -D <id>/<host>:<port> (--Destination <id>/<host>:<port>) — the address or FQDN of TrueConf Server or TrueConf Enterprise where traffic will be redirected. Here:

    • <id> — (optional) unique string of the identifier used for combining options (when the same TrueConf Border Controller should follow several redirection rules, we do not recommend this approach)

    • <host> — IPv4, IPv6 or FQDN (IPv6 has to be specified in square brackets [IPv6])

    • <port> — (optional) port, this parameter can be omitted if it is equal to the default value 4307

  • -L <id>/<host>:<port> (--Listen <id>/<host>:<port>) — the network interface for receiving the incoming traffic; the options of this parameter match the options for the -D parameter

  • -E <id>/<cipher>:<flags>:<key> (--Encryption <id>/<cipher>:<flags>:<key>) — encryption of packets sent from TrueConf Border Controller to the video conferencing server. Here:

    • <id> — (optional) unique string of the identifier for combining options

    • <cipher> — selected encryption method, it can have such values as None (no encryption, default), ChaCha20, AES-256-CTR, AES-256-OFB, AES-192-CTR, AES-192-OFB, AES-128-CTR, AES-128-OFB, xoshiro256++, xoshiro256**

    • <key> — encryption key (in the hexadecimal format) may be omitted if a randomly generated value is used (incompatible with PSK mode)

    • <flags> — if this parameter is available and is equal to PSK, Pre-Shared Key encryption will be used. In this case some additional configuration will be needed on the side of the video conferencing server.

# Command-line parameters for starting the component from the terminal (console)

You can launch the executable file of the component from the terminal with some parameters that cannot be used in the configuration file:

  • -h (--help) — the display of the built-in help menu with the list of parameters and examples

  • -c <path> (--ConfigFile <path>) — the path <path> to the configuration file

  • -v (--version) — the component version.

For example, to open the help section on Linux, use:

sudo /opt/trueconf/border-controller/bin/tc_bc -h

# An example of a configuration file


# Launching the component

When the configuration file is ready, you can launch the component.

# For Windows

To control the services on Windows, one can use either GUI or the command line (terminal).

To quickly open the services management window, start the command line (terminal) or PowerShell and run the command services.msc. In the opened window, you can select the service TrueConf Border Controller from the list and start it. In addition, you can choose if this service should be launched automatically when the OS is started.

To fully control services from the terminal, you can use the tool sc.exe (opens new window). All the commands should be run on behalf of the OS administrator. For example, to start the service, execute this command:

sc start tc_bc

To add the service to the automatic startup, run:

sc config tc_bc start=auto

# For Linux

To manage the services (called daemons within the context of Linux), one should use the systemctl tool.

To start the daemon trueconf-bc, run:

sudo systemctl start trueconf-bc

To make sure that the trueconf-bc daemon is launched automatically when the OS is started, run:

sudo systemctl enable trueconf-bc