# saveData

Description: local storage of some user data.

Information about the recording is provided in the dataSaved notification.

Request example:

    "method" : "saveData",
    "requestId" : "1",
    "containerName" : "aux info",
    "data" : "cpu: 100%",
    "flags" : "def"

Response example:

    "method" : "saveData",
    "requestId" : "1",
    "result" : true

Parameter description:

  • containerName — Name of a container where data will be saved.

  • data — Data to be saved

  • flags — Save flag. It can be as follows:

    • "def" — If a container with the same name already exists, all data will be overwritten (previous data will be lost)

    • "beg" — If a container with the same name already exists, then new data will be written to the beginning (previous data will be saved)

    • "ate" — If a container with the same name already exists, then new data will be written to the end (previous data will be saved)

  • requestId - a unique request identifier. You can learn more about it here.

See also: