# updateCameraInfo

Description: the notification received when the format and resolution of the current video capture device are changed.

All fields of this command are included only if a video capture device is selected, and the device is not used by another application.


    "event" : "updateCameraInfo",
    "cameraWidth" : 1280,
    "cameraHeight" : 720,
    "cameraFramerate" : 3000,
    "sendWidth" : 1280,
    "sendHeight" : 720,
    "format" : 3,
    "sendFormat" : "VP8",
    "sendFramerate" : 1500,
    "stereo" : false,
    "method" : "event"

Parameter description:

  • cameraFramerate — camera frame rate

    • cameraHeight — the height of the captured image

    • cameraWidth — the width of the captured image

    • sendFormat — the format in which the frames are sent. The following values are possible:

      - `VP8`
      - `VP9`
      - `H.265`
      - `H.264`
      - `H.263+`
      - `H.263`
      - `H.261`
      - `None`
    • format — Video format. It can be as follows:

      - `0` — YUYV
      - `1` — YUY2
      - `2` — YVYU
      - `3` — MJPG
      - `4` — I420
      - `5` — IYUV
      - `6` — UYVY
      - `7` — HDYC
      - `8` — YV12
      - `9` — NV12
      - `10` — NV16
      - `11` — NV21
      - `12` — RGB32
      - `13` — RGB24
      - `14` — ARGB
      - `15` — BGRA
      - `16` — YUV444
      - `17` — H264
      - `18` — H264_ES
      - `19` — H265
      - `20` — VP80
      - `21` — VP90
      - `22` — STR0
      - `23` — I420_STR0
    • sendFramerate — the rate of sent frames

    • sendHeight — the height of sent frames

    • sendWidth — the width of sent frames

    • stereo — the stereo flag

See also: